Your cookie duration basically
is how long a website will remember
this information.
is how long a website will remember
this information.
This term is used when you
want to redirect user to a
specific merchant page
instead of the home page.
want to redirect user to a
specific merchant page
instead of the home page.
Your cookie duration basically
a website will remember this information.
is how long a website will remember this information.
This refers to whether you can
give incent / rewards / cashback
to your users for completing an
give incent / rewards / cashback
to your users for completing an
This refer to promoting campaign
on your Social media channel.
Note: the campaign should be
promoted organically and not via
any kind of social media ads.
on your Social media channel.
Note: the campaign should be
promoted organically and not via
any kind of social media ads.
WalMart.com USA Affiliate Payout Categories
List for Item Category is Bedding, Toys
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To unlock category wise payout
List for Item Category is Seasonal, Intima
te Apparel/Womens Apparel
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To unlock category wise payout
List for Item Category is Horticulture, Fu
rniture, Patio and Garden, Pets and Supplies, Home Management, Beauty
Join Cuelinks
To unlock category wise payout
List for Item Category is Hardware & Tools/Do
It Yourself, Stationery, Sporting Goods, Accessories, Baby/Toddler/Boys/Girls Apparel, Mens Apparel
Join Cuelinks
To unlock category wise payout
List for Item Category is Arts, Crafts, Se
wing & Fabric, Cook and Dine
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To unlock category wise payout
List for Item Category is Electronics, Home Decor
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To unlock category wise payout
List for Item Category is Media & Gaming, Bath and Shower
Join Cuelinks
To unlock category wise payout
List for Item Category is Video Game Hardw
are, Automotive, Automotive Tires, Shoes
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To unlock category wise payout
List for Item Category is Baby Hardlines, Boo
ks & Magazines, Jewelry
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To unlock category wise payout
List for Item Category is Photo Services,
Wireless, Cameras and Supplies
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To unlock category wise payout
List for Item Category is Celebration
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To unlock category wise payout
List for Item Category is Pharmacy RX/Optical
, Pharmacy/OTC, Baby Consumables, Food, Household Paper/Household Chemicals, Precious Metals Ecomm
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To unlock category wise payout
ist for Item SKU is CIC | Master Exclusion List
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To unlock category wise payout
Item Quantity greater than 10
Join Cuelinks
To unlock category wise payout
All Other
Join Cuelinks
To unlock category wise payout

Generate Your WalMart.com USA Affiliate Link
Media Allowed/Disallowed
Allowed Media
Text Link
Disallowed Media
Cashback, Reward Points, Incentives, Charity
Email (Text)
Custom Email (Text)
Email (HTML)
Custom Email (HTML)
POP Traffic
Native Ads
Social Media
Facebook Ads
SEM - Brand Keyword(s)
SEM - Generic Keyword(s)
SEM - Brand + Generic Keyword(s)
Countries Allowed
Important Information for WalMart.com USA Affiliate Program
Missing Transactions:
Campaign doesn't help with missing transactions.
Conversion Flow:
1. User makes purchase
2. Sale is counted & added Prohibitions:
You understand and acknowledge that this Agreement is made between you and Wal-Mart.com USA, LLC and is solely for the purpose of allowing you to link to the Walmart.com Site. As a condition to your acceptance and participation in the Program, you agree to the following prohibitions:
General Prohibitions.
You may NOT:
- engineer any website containing a Qualifying Link in such a manner that pulls Internet traffic away from Walmart.com;
- publish, link to, sell, otherwise distribute, or place a Qualifying Link on the same page or in close proximity to any Objectionable Content. For purposes of this Agreement, "Objectionable Content" means any material, including textual, audio or video material, which is offensive (including hate speech or violence against a particular group of people); contains any nudity, explicit violence or sexual material; contains depictions of violent or sexual acts; is defamatory to any group or individual; or promotes alcohol, tobacco, or gambling/lottery;
- publish, link to, sell, otherwise distribute, or place a Qualifying Link on any social networking sites, including, but not limited to, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc.
- attempt to modify or alter our Site in any way;
- make any representations, either express or implied, or create an appearance that a visitor to your website is visiting our Site, eg, “framing” or “wrapping” the Site in any manner without first obtaining in advance our express written permission. Such requests must be made in writing and sent to Walmart.com, Attn: Affiliate Program Manager, 7000 Marina Boulevard, Brisbane, CA, 94005;
- "scrape" or "spider" the Site or any other websites for content (such as images, logos or text);
- participate in Yahoo's Search Submit Pro (SSP) Search Marketing Program;
- place ads on, or participate in any way in, AdNetworks or Search Content Networks;
- employ, use or place any web browser add-ons, toolbars or pop-ups on your website;
- promote, or participate in the promotion of, Walmart.com's Pharmacy( www.walmart.com/pharmacy) ;
- link any Qualifying Link to any website other than our Site, including, for example, your own website;
- bid on our Trademarks at any website that provides search engine services and that results in driving traffic to any website, other than our Site, including your website;
- engage in any direct or indirect relationships with ISPs and/or mobile carriers that results in the delivery or act of address bar keyword and URL error trafficking (eg, a user mistypes a web address in the ISP's address bar or search bar, and, as a result, is redirected to a web page that contains a Qualifying Link that directs the user to sites like Walmart.com).
- employ the use of any type of software download or technology which attempts to intercept or redirect traffic or Referral Fees to or from any website;
- use any Trademark (as defined in Exhibit A), or any Licensed Materials (as defined in Section 2), provided to you as a result of your participation in the Program to advertise or engage in services which result in a sale occurring on your website, whether or not you then have the item fulfilled through Walmart.com;
- without the prior written approval of Walmart.com, use any Trademark, or any Licensed Material in an advertisement that is not created or provided by Walmart.com in any way that might suggest or imply or mislead or is likely to mislead a visitor to your website into believing that Walmart.com, Wal-Mart Stores or any related entity was the creator or sponsor of such advertisement;
- re-distribute Licensed Materials (as defined in Section 2) to websites which can reasonably be viewed as Walmart.com’s competitors, including but not limited to, Target, Kmart, Sears, JC Penney, Kohls, Circuit City, Best Buy, Amazon, eBay, Toys R Us, eToys, and KB Kids;
- re-distribute, display or syndicate Licensed Materials and/or Walmart.com's datafeed, including any product information set forth therein, to any third party partner, network or agency;
- employ, use, or receive any direct or indirect benefit from, any "cookie stuffing" methods (e.g., use of "cookie stuffing" to cause Impact Radius's tracking systems to conclude that a user has clicked through a Qualifying Link - and to pay commissions accordingly - even if the user has not actually clicked through any such link);
- install spyware on another person’s computer; cause spyware to be installed on another person’s computer, or use a context based triggering mechanism to display an advertisement that partially or wholly covers or obscures paid advertising other content on a website in a way that interferes with a person’s ability to view that website;
- display any material on a website containing a Qualifying Link which contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancel bots or other similar harmful or deleterious programming routines;
- without the prior written approval of Walmart.com, use any widgets on your website that: (a) include any Trademarks (as defined in Exhibit A); (b) include any Licensed Materials (as defined in Section 2); or (c) directly or indirectly send traffic to Walmart.com;
- post, publish, link to or place a Qualifying Link on the Walmart Facebook Page;
- forward, redistribute, or otherwise repurpose any or all Qualifying Links to any third party;
- release Wal-Mart’s sales circulars, advertisements or other information prior to their authorized release dates; or
- purchase products or services sold or promoted on Walmart.com through a Qualifying Link for resale or commercial use of any kind.
- generate or use Electronic Communication using or containing Trademarks (as defined in Exhibit A), or any variation or misspelling thereof, or products, or any of the Qualifying Links or URLS provided to you as part of the Program;
- send any other Electronic Communication that in any way suggests or implies or misleads or is likely to mislead (including without limitation, via the return address, subject heading, header information or message contents) a recipient into believing that Walmart.com, Wal-Mart Stores or any related entity was the sender or sponsor of such Electronic Communication or procured or induced you to send such Electronic Communication;
- forward, redistribute, or otherwise repurpose any Electronic Communication that Walmart.com sends to its affiliates and/or customers; and
- generate or send any unsolicited Electronic Communication (spam) under this Agreement
- use the Trademarks in any manner not expressly authorized by this Agreement.
- use the Trademarks, or any variation or misspelling thereof, in metatags, hidden text or source code, in your domain name or any other part of your URL as further detailed in Exhibit A;
- bid on keywords as further detailed in Exhibit A;
- bid on our Trademarks at any website that provides search engine services and that results in driving traffic to any website, other than our Site, including your website;
- use Walmart.com or Wal-Mart Store's vendors or suppliers' logos, trade names, trademarks, graphic images, product images, product references and similar identifying material unless expressly and specifically provided by Walmart.com for use in the Program, unless used within a keyword string (ie Hanes T-Shirts).
The list below sets forth examples of impermissible keywords, "fat-finger" domains, and variations of Trademarks that you may not bid on. The list is for example purposes only and is not a complete list of prohibited words which infringe a Trademark, and therefore violate a term of this Agreement.
walmart, walmart.com, wal-mart, wal mart, www.walmart.com , wallmart, wal-mart.com, wall mart, wallmart.com, www.wallmart.com , wal mart.com, Walmart.com, Walmart .c
www.wal-mart.com , www.walmart , walmart stores, wal-mart store, walmarts, www.wal mart.com, wal mart stores, wall-mart, walmart supercenter, site: www.walmart.com walmart
wal-mart supercenter, super Walmart, walmart stores, super wal mart, walmart.com., walmart store, walt mart, walmart,com, wall mart.com, walmart online, wal mart.com
www.wal-mart , Walmart.c_om, Walmart.c, site:walmart.com
This Walmart.com Operating Agreement for Affiliate Network, including all exhibits and attachments hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Agreement"), contains the complete terms and conditions that apply to a party's participation as an affiliate in the Affiliate Network of Walmart.com (the "Program"). As used in this Agreement, "we", "us", or "Walmart.com" means Wal-Mart.com USA, LLC (and its parent company and related entities), and "you" means the applicant party. "Site" means a World Wide Web site and, depending on the context, refers either to the Walmart.com Site or to the portion of the Walmart.com Site that you will link to using Qualifying Links as defined in Section 2 of this Agreement.
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., Wal-Mart.com USA, LLC and Sam’s West, Inc. associates, family members of associates, and suppliers are not eligible to enroll in the Program.
Unsuitable websites include, but are not limited to, those that:
- Promote sexually explicit material;
- Promote violence or hate toward any persons or groups;
- Promote illegal activities;
- Promote alcohol, tobacco, gambling/lottery in any way;
- Promote the use of pyramid, "ponzi", or similar investment schemes;
- Promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age;
- Contain, in our sole judgment, material that is defamatory, fraudulent, or harassing to us or any third party;
- Are known as "blogging sites", defined for purposes of this Agreement as sites that contain only blogging and no other form of informational content;
- Include "walmart", "wal-mart" or variations or misspellings thereof in their domain names;
- Otherwise violate intellectual property rights of Walmart.com, Wal-Mart Stores or its suppliers;
- Disparage Walmart.com, Wal-Mart Stores, Wal-Mart Stores affiliates, or their suppliers;
- Are under construction or not live at the time of Application;
- Are non-US based or are websites that primarily serve a non-US based audience;
- Do not clearly state an online privacy policy to its visitors; or
- Provide a portion of their Referral Fees (as defined in Section 5) to websites or organizations that would violate any of the above criteria
Referral FeesWe will pay you Referral Fees on certain product sales to third parties generated from our Site only. For a product sale to generate a Referral Fee, the customer must
- use a browser that has its cookies setting enabled;
- follow a Qualifying Link (in the format specified by Walmart.com) from a site to the Walmart.com site;
- purchase the product using our automated ordering system;
- accept delivery of the product at the shipping destination; and
- remit full payment to us.
Responsibility for Your Website or a Third Party Website on which you place a Qualifying Link ("Third Party Site")You will be solely responsible for the development, operation, and maintenance of your website and for all content that appears on your website. For example, you will be solely responsible for:
- the technical operation of your website and all related equipment;
- creating and posting product descriptions on your website or a Third Party Site and linking those descriptions to our Site;
- updating product information, content and item descriptions (including, but not limited to, product price and availability) within 24 hours of any update of such product information, content and/or item description at Walmart.com or from datafeed content provided through Impact Radius platform;
- the accuracy, timeliness and appropriateness of content posted on your website (including, among other things, all product-related materials);
- ensuring that materials posted on your website or a Third Party Site do not violate or infringe upon the rights of any third party (including, for example, copyrights, trademarks, privacy, or other personal or proprietary rights), or any term of this Agreement;
- monitoring your website content and the content of a Third Party Site to ensure your website or the Third Party Site does not publish, link to, sell or otherwise distribute Objectionable Content (as defined in Section 3);
- removing any Licensed Materials and Trademarks from your website or a Third Party Site as soon as any Objectionable Content appears on the website
- notifying us and The Impact Radius platform Network of any Objectionable Content that appears or appeared on your website or a Third Party Site at any time during your participation in the program, within six (6) hours of its appearance, even if you immediately removed the Objectionable Content per the requirements of this Agreement or for any other reason;
- ensuring that content posted on your website or a Thrid Party Site is not libelous or otherwise illegal; and
- notifying us and The Impact Radius platform of any malfunctioning of the Qualifying Links or other problems with your participation in the Program in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
Trademark RequirementsThese requirements apply to your use of Walmart.com and other trademarks and service marks belonging to Wal-Mart.com USA, LLC, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. or other related entities (the "Trademarks") in content that has been approved by us.
- You may use the Trademarks only for purposes expressly authorized by us.
- You may not modify the Trademarks in any manner. For example, you may not change the proportion, color, or font of the Trademarks.
- You may not display the Trademarks in any manner that implies endorsement of your website or business by Walmart.com outside of your involvement in the Program.
- You may not use the Trademarks to disparage Walmart.com, its products or services, or in a manner which, in our reasonable judgment, may diminish or otherwise damage our good will in the Trademarks.
- Each Trademark must appear by itself, with reasonable spacing (at least the height of the Trademark) between each side of the Trademark and any other graphic or textual image. You may place the Walmart.com name or logo adjacent to competitive brands, subject to the requirements of this Agreement, including prohibitions against objectionable material and websites.
- You must use the TM symbol next to the trademarks. You must use the SM symbol next to the service marks.
- You must include the following statement in your materials that include the Trademarks: "WALMART.COM SM is a service mark of Wal-Mart.com USA, LLC and Wal-Mart Stores, Inc." You must include similar statements for any other Trademarks used on an ongoing basis in your materials.
- You acknowledge that all rights to the Trademarks are our exclusive property and all goodwill generated through your use of the Trademarks will inure to our benefit.
- You may not bid on any keyword or on any Pay per Click Search Engines (PPCSEs) where such keyword is one of our Trademarks or any variation or misspelling of one of our Trademarks (see the non-exclusive list of examples set forth below in Section 15). Further, you may not bid on any word or term that is confusingly similar to any of our Trademarks standing alone. You may, however, bid on keyword strings that incorporate our Trademarks (eg, "Walmart.com Electronics", "Wal-Mart Toys"); provided, however, that such permissible keyword strings must be used in a manner that directs traffic only to our Site. You may not bid on keywords strings that contain the terms "Rollbacks" or "Advertised Values".
- You may not employ any "fat finger" domains or typosquatters redirecting web traffic to your website. A typosquatter for "fat finger" domain is any domain that amounts to misspellings of any registered or unregistered Trademarks.
- You may not bid on any keyword or on any PPCSEs that is one of our competitors' trademarks (or a derivation of a competito r's trademark), or any other word or term that is likely to cause confusion regarding its affiliation with the competitor. Examples of these keywords include, but are not limited to: "Target", "Kmart", "Sears", "JC Penney", "Toys R Us", "Amazon", "Circuit City", "eToys", and " KB Kids"
- You may not bid on restricted manufacturer brand terms, including but not limited to "MagicJack", or any derivatives thereof that are likely to cause confusion regarding its affiliation with Walmart.com, its affiliates or you, in any paid search.
- You may not use the Trademarks alongside or in conjunction with the following terms: "percent (%) off", "sale",or "coupons".
- Walmart.com may, in its sole discretion, terminate you or withhold payment of your Referral Fees for the days that we determine that you were bidding in violation of the keyword bidding requirements above.
Similar Campaigns
Walmart Affiliate Program USA: Your Gateway to Earning Online
The Walmart Affiliate Program in the USA offers individuals and businesses an exciting opportunity to earn commissions by promoting Walmart products. With Walmart being one of the largest retail giants in the world, the affiliate program provides a lucrative channel for monetizing your website, blog, or social media platforms. Whether you're a seasoned affiliate marketer or just starting, Walmart’s affiliate marketing program is a valuable tool to add to your repertoire. Here’s everything you need to know about it.What is the Walmart Affiliate Program?
The Walmart Affiliate Program allows you to earn a commission by driving sales to Walmart.com. By partnering with Walmart, affiliates can promote millions of products across categories like electronics, home goods, clothing, toys, and more. The program is managed through an Affiliate Marketing Platform, ensuring a seamless experience for affiliates.Key Features of the Walmart Affiliate Program
- Wide Product Range: With millions of products available, affiliates have endless opportunities to find items that align with their niche.
- Competitive Commission Rates: Walmart offers a tiered commission structure, allowing affiliates to earn competitive payouts based on the category and volume of sales.
- Trusted Brand: Walmart is a household name, which means affiliates benefit from promoting a brand that customers already trust.
- Easy-to-Use Platform: The Cuelinks dashboard makes it simple to track performance, generate affiliate links, and analyze metrics.
- Regular Promotions: Affiliates can leverage Walmart’s frequent sales events, discounts, and seasonal promotions to boost their conversions.
Walmart USA Affiliate Program Commission Rates
Here is a general overview of commission rates for popular categories in the Walmart Affiliate Marketing Program for the USA:- Electronics: Up to 4% commission.
- Home and Garden: Up to 4% commission.
- Clothing and Accessories: Up to 4% commission.
- Baby Products: Up to 4% commission.
- Toys: Up to 4% commission.
- Grocery and Consumables: Up to 1% commission.
- Personal Care: Up to 1% commission.
- Other Categories: Rates vary; check the program’s terms for the most accurate details.
How to Join the Walmart Affiliate Program?
- Sign Up: Visit the Walmart Affiliate Program page on Cuelinks (Walmart affiliate company) and complete the application process. Approval typically takes a few days.
- Choose Your Niche: Identify product categories that align with your audience’s interests.
- Generate Affiliate Links: Use the Cuelinks platform to create custom affiliate links for the products you wish to promote.
- Promote Products: Share your affiliate links on your website, blog, email newsletters, or social media channels.
- Earn Commissions: When a user clicks on your link and completes a purchase on Walmart.com, you earn a commission.
Walmart Affiliate Program Requirements
To join the Walmart Affiliate Program, you need to meet certain criteria:- Active Website or Social Media Presence: Applicants must have a functional website, blog, or active social media profiles that align with Walmart’s brand and audience.
- Relevant Content: Your platform should contain content that is relevant to the products you plan to promote.
- Compliance with Policies: Affiliates must adhere to Walmart’s terms and conditions, including ethical promotion practices and adherence to FTC guidelines.
- No Prohibited Content: Websites or platforms containing offensive, illegal, or inappropriate content will not be approved.
- Geographic Focus: The program is primarily designed for affiliates targeting the U.S. market.
- Approval Process: Walmart reviews all applications and reserves the right to approve or decline based on their evaluation criteria.
Walmart Influencer Program for Content Creators
In addition to its affiliate program, Walmart offers an Influencer Program tailored for social media content creators and influencers. This program is ideal for those who have an established presence on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, or Pinterest and want to monetize their influence by promoting Walmart products.Key Features of the Walmart Influencer Program
- Exclusive Opportunities: Influencers gain access to exclusive promotions, partnerships, and campaigns.
- Content Creation Focus: The program emphasizes creative, high-quality content to engage audiences.
- Commission Earnings: Similar to the affiliate program, influencers earn commissions on sales driven by their unique affiliate links.
- Brand Alignment: Walmart collaborates with influencers who align with its values and target audience.
How to Join the Walmart Influencer Program?
- Application: Apply through Walmart’s official influencer program portal.
- Platform Requirements: Ensure you have an active and engaged following on at least one major social media platform.
- Approval Process: Walmart evaluates applications based on factors like follower count, engagement rate, and content quality.
- Create and Share: Start promoting Walmart products through sponsored posts, videos, and stories.
Benefits of the Walmart Influencer Program
- Collaborative Campaigns: Work directly with Walmart on creative marketing initiatives.
- Broader Reach: Tap into Walmart’s extensive resources and reputation to enhance your content.
- Flexible Content: Promote products in a way that resonates with your personal style and audience preferences.
Benefits of Joining the Walmart Affiliate Program
- High Conversion Rates: Walmart’s competitive pricing and trusted reputation lead to higher conversion rates.
- Mobile Optimization: Walmart.com is mobile-friendly, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for users on any device.
- Diverse Marketing Tools: Affiliates gain access to banners, text links, and other promotional materials.
- Real-Time Reporting: Track your performance in real time and optimize your campaigns for better results.
Cookie Duration and Payment Policies
How Long Does Walmart USA Track Affiliate Sales?
The Walmart affiliate marketing program offers a 1-day cookie duration. This means that if a user clicks your affiliate link and completes a purchase within a day (24 hrs from click time), you will earn a commission on that sale. Walmart affiliate stores may change policies anytime so make a note.Understanding Payment Timelines and Methods
Payments for the Walmart Online Affiliate Program are processed through Cuelinks. Affiliates are typically paid on a 2-month basis, with the exact timing depending on when the minimum payout threshold is reached. Payment methods include:- Direct Deposit: Funds are transferred directly to your bank account.
- Cheque: Available for affiliates who prefer traditional methods.
- Other Digital Payment Options: Depending on the availability in your region, other digital methods may also be supported.
List of Walmart Affiliates
Walmart collaborates with a diverse range of affiliates to promote its extensive product catalog. Here are some examples of Walmart affiliates:- Bloggers and Content Creators: Individuals running niche blogs or websites dedicated to specific interests, such as home improvement, parenting, or fashion.
- Social Media Influencers: Creators on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Pinterest who have a strong, engaged following.
- Coupon and Deal Websites: Platforms that focus on sharing the latest deals, discounts, and promotional offers from Walmart.
- Product Review Sites: Websites that specialize in reviewing products across various categories, from electronics to household goods.
- Tech Enthusiasts: Affiliates who promote Walmart’s gadgets, accessories, and electronics.
- Lifestyle Websites: Sites that cater to topics like health, fitness, and home organization, showcasing relevant Walmart products.
- Charity and Non-Profit Organizations: Groups that use affiliate marketing to fundraise by promoting Walmart products to their supporters.
Tips for Success in the Walmart Affiliate Program
- Understand Your Audience: Focus on promoting products that resonate with your target demographic.
- Leverage SEO: Optimize your content with relevant keywords to drive organic traffic to your affiliate links.
- Create High-Quality Content: Use engaging blog posts, reviews, and videos to showcase Walmart’s products effectively.
- Stay Updated: Keep an eye on Walmart’s promotions and seasonal sales to align your campaigns with their marketing efforts.
- Track and Analyze: Use the analytics tools provided to measure your performance and refine your strategy.