socialcatfish affiliate marketing program

Social Catfish Affiliate Program

Platform where tracking is available


Cookie Duration

1 Day



Incentive / cashback


Social media


Social Catfish Affiliate Payout Categories

Payout on SKU 71
Payout on SKU 77 and 85
Payout on SKU 80
Payout on SKU 81
Payout on SKU 86
Payout on SKU 88
All Others

Media Allowed/Disallowed

Allowed Media

Text Link

Disallowed Media

Cashback, Reward Points, Incentives, Charity
Email (Text)
Custom Email (Text)
Email (HTML)
Custom Email (HTML)
POP Traffic
Native Ads
Social Media
Facebook Ads
SEM - Brand Keyword(s)
SEM - Generic Keyword(s)
SEM - Brand + Generic Keyword(s)

Countries Allowed

United States Flag United States

Important Information for Social Catfish Affiliate Program

Social Catfish does not help with the missing transactions.

Promotional Methods.
 Unless explicitly authorized in an EIO, Media Partner shall not promote a Creative using the following means:
(a) provision of leads obtained other than through intended consumer (“End User”) action (e.g. through the use of phone books, or similar such compilations of personal data);
(b) use of fake redirects, automated software, or other mechanisms to generate Actions;
(c) Actions that are not in good faith, such as those using any automated device, robot, Iframes or hidden frames; or
(d) the use of incentives to procure Actions from End Users.

Protected SEM Bidding Keywords: Publishers are prohibited to use our branded terms in search marketing campaigns including any variations or misspellings of the brand: Social Catfish,

Prohibited SEM Display URL Content: Publishers are prohibited to use our branded terms in SEM Display URL Content including any variations or misspellings of the brand: Social Catfish,

Prohibited SEM Ad Copy Content: Ad copy must not be deceptive and must accurately reflect current promotions. Publishers are prohibited to use our branded terms in SEM Ad Copy Content including any variations or misspellings of the brand: Social Catfish,

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About socialcatfish Affiliate Campaign

Social Catfish is an online investigation site; you can verify a person's online identity using images, email addresses, phone numbers and online profiles. This is great for people who think they might be catfished.