Kaspersky affiliate marketing program

Kaspersky Affiliate program


Platform where tracking is available


Cookie Duration




Incentive / cashback


Social media


Kaspersky Affiliate Payout Categories

US - Renewal - Kaspersky Total Security 2018 ....

Media Allowed/Disallowed

Allowed Media

Text Link

Disallowed Media

Cashback, Reward Points, Incentives, Charity
Email (Text)
Custom Email (Text)
Email (HTML)
Custom Email (HTML)
POP Traffic
Native Ads
Social Media
Facebook Ads
SEM - Brand Keyword(s)
SEM - Generic Keyword(s)
SEM - Brand + Generic Keyword(s)

Countries Allowed

India Flag India

Important Information for Kaspersky Affiliate Program

Tracking - Online

Search Campaigns - Protected SEM Bidding Keywords kaspersky, kaspersky lab, kaspersky coupon, kaspersky discount, kaspersky code

Negative Matching for Protected Keywords - Required

Search Campaigns - Non-compete SEM Bidding Keywords - kaspersky

Search Campaigns - Recommended SEM Bidding Keywords - anti virus, antivirus, internet security

Search Campaigns - Prohibited SEM Display URL Content - kaspersky, kaspersky lab

Search Campaigns - Prohibited SEM Ad Copy Content - kaspersky, kaspersky lab

Search Campaigns - Direct Linking - No

Social Media - Allowed

Software - Allowed - Kaspersky Lab will not allow doorway pages, sites or pages with automatic redirects.

Web Site - Unacceptable Web Sites - Not to use a web site that is confusingly similar to the official Kaspersky Lab website, or which may mislead third parties into thinking the Affiliate is Kaspersky Lab or an official partner of Kaspersky Lab. This includes copying and framing any of the Kaspersky Lab web pages. The Affiliate further agrees not to promote himself in a way that may mislead third parties into thinking the Affiliate is Kaspersky Lab or an official partner of Kaspersky Lab. Not to engage in typo-squatting, or own a typo domain. Domain names must not include or use misspellings of either "kaspersky" or "kasperskylabs" e.g. www.kasperskylab.com. Misspellings of domains include those with missing characters, extra characters, wrong character sequences, and where the wrong key is pressed, e.g. www.kapersky.co.uk etc. Not to own a domain which includes a Kaspersky Lab trademark or registered trademark. Domains containing the registered trademark "Kaspersky" are strictly prohibited. Not to use sites under construction, sites that show or cause any type of error, doorway pages, sites or pages with automatic redirects. Not to operate or utilize a website, or email a link to a website, which contains or promotes the following types of content: libelous, defamatory, obscene, abusive, violent, bigoted, hate-related, illegal, cracking, hacking, anti-brand messaging or that offer illegal goods or services. Not to use copycat sites, or use any content or images from any Kaspersky Lab websites, except for content and images which have been expressly allowed for use by Affiliate partners

Kaspersky campaign doesn't help with missing transactions

Web Site - Prohibited Web Site Domain Keywords - kaspersky

Web Site - Prohibited Web Site URL Keywords - kaspersky

Web Site - Prohibited Web Site Content - Not to promote Kaspersky Lab products using spam or unsolicited commercial email

Search Campaigns - Special Instructions for Search Marketing Publishers - Affiliates may not advertise renewal products through search engine marketing, nor advertise renewal products using discount or promotional language or positioning (e.g. “50% off Kaspersky Internet Security”). Discount language or positioning on renewal products is prohibited in search engine marketing and prohibited on affiliate websites and landing pages Publishers cannot promote Kaspersky using toolbars, browser extensions or similar tools.

Web Site - Use of Logos and Trademarks in Web sites - The use of Trademarks such as Kaspersky are strictly prohibited

Incentivized Traffic - Allowed

Email - Allowed

Non-Commissionable Items - Some products that are added are not commissionable. Kaspersky Lab does NOT pay commission on automated renewals. Only renewals which are manually added and outside the automated renewal system shall be commissionable.

Miscellaneous - Special Instructions - not advertise renewal products through search engine marketing, nor advertise renewal products using discount or promotional language or positioning (e.g. “50% off Kaspersky Internet Security”). Discount language or positioning on renewal products is prohibited in search engine marketing and prohibited on affiliate websites and landing pages Publishers cannot promote Kaspersky using toolbars, browser extensions

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