Etihad Airways affiliate marketing program

Etihad Airways Affiliate program

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Etihad Airways Affiliate Payout Categories


Media Allowed/Disallowed

Allowed Media

Text Link
Cashback, Reward Points, Incentives, Charity
Email (Text)

Disallowed Media

Custom Email (Text)
Email (HTML)
Custom Email (HTML)
POP Traffic
Native Ads
Social Media
Facebook Ads
SEM - Brand Keyword(s)
SEM - Generic Keyword(s)
SEM - Brand + Generic Keyword(s)

Countries Allowed

Haiti Flag Haiti
Grenada Flag Grenada
Saint Barthelemy Flag Saint Barthelemy
Djibouti Flag Djibouti
American Samoa Flag American Samoa
Ghana Flag Ghana
Colombia Flag Colombia
Greenland Flag Greenland
Azerbaijan Flag Azerbaijan
British Indian Ocean Territory Flag British Indian Ocean Territory
Guyana Flag Guyana
Hungary Flag Hungary
Brazil Flag Brazil
Curacao Flag Curacao
Faroe Islands Flag Faroe Islands
Ireland Flag Ireland
Guinea-Bissau Flag Guinea-Bissau
Algeria Flag Algeria
Guam Flag Guam
Gabon Flag Gabon
Dominica Flag Dominica
Bahrain Flag Bahrain
Switzerland Flag Switzerland
Finland Flag Finland
Ecuador Flag Ecuador
Benin Flag Benin
Jersey Flag Jersey
Cape Verde Flag Cape Verde
Angola Flag Angola
Hong Kong Flag Hong Kong
Christmas Island Flag Christmas Island
Burkina Faso Flag Burkina Faso
Cyprus Flag Cyprus
Micronesia Flag Micronesia
Bouvet Island Flag Bouvet Island
Barbados Flag Barbados
Italy Flag Italy
Iceland Flag Iceland
Fiji Flag Fiji
France Flag France
Egypt Flag Egypt
Belgium Flag Belgium
Armenia Flag Armenia
United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom
Albania Flag Albania
Iran Flag Iran
Cook Islands Flag Cook Islands
Brunei Flag Brunei
Antigua and Barbuda Flag Antigua and Barbuda
Aruba Flag Aruba
Guernsey Flag Guernsey
Ethiopia Flag Ethiopia
Jamaica Flag Jamaica
Afghanistan Flag Afghanistan
Aland Islands Flag Aland Islands
Bhutan Flag Bhutan
Argentina Flag Argentina
Bosnia and Herzegovina Flag Bosnia and Herzegovina
Guadeloupe Flag Guadeloupe
Israel Flag Israel
Gambia Flag Gambia
Ivory Coast Flag Ivory Coast
Honduras Flag Honduras
Botswana Flag Botswana
Jordan Flag Jordan
Guinea Flag Guinea
Greece Flag Greece
Burundi Flag Burundi
Austria Flag Austria
Falkland Islands Flag Falkland Islands
Anguilla Flag Anguilla
Costa Rica Flag Costa Rica
Indonesia Flag Indonesia
Saint Kitts and Nevis Flag Saint Kitts and Nevis
Laos Flag Laos
Papua New Guinea Flag Papua New Guinea
Nigeria Flag Nigeria
Serbia Flag Serbia
Togo Flag Togo
Suriname Flag Suriname
Turkmenistan Flag Turkmenistan
Sierra Leone Flag Sierra Leone
Luxembourg Flag Luxembourg
French Southern Territories Flag French Southern Territories
Madagascar Flag Madagascar
Northern Mariana Islands Flag Northern Mariana Islands
Namibia Flag Namibia
Kiribati Flag Kiribati
Sint Maarten Flag Sint Maarten
Myanmar Flag Myanmar
Nauru Flag Nauru
Kosovo Flag Kosovo
Morocco Flag Morocco
Tonga Flag Tonga
Mauritius Flag Mauritius
Tokelau Flag Tokelau
Senegal Flag Senegal
Chad Flag Chad
Pitcairn Flag Pitcairn
Malta Flag Malta
Reunion Flag Reunion
Malawi Flag Malawi
Comoros Flag Comoros
Mozambique Flag Mozambique
Monaco Flag Monaco
Oman Flag Oman
Libya Flag Libya
Montenegro Flag Montenegro
Portugal Flag Portugal
Peru Flag Peru
Mongolia Flag Mongolia
Lebanon Flag Lebanon
Turks and Caicos Islands Flag Turks and Caicos Islands
Tunisia Flag Tunisia
Syria Flag Syria
Cambodia Flag Cambodia
Palau Flag Palau
Sao Tome and Principe Flag Sao Tome and Principe
Saint Martin Flag Saint Martin
Kyrgyzstan Flag Kyrgyzstan
Mali Flag Mali
Montserrat Flag Montserrat
Panama Flag Panama
Romania Flag Romania
East Timor Flag East Timor
Niue Flag Niue
Moldova Flag Moldova
Lithuania Flag Lithuania
Mexico Flag Mexico
Kuwait Flag Kuwait
Sri Lanka Flag Sri Lanka
El Salvador Flag El Salvador
French Polynesia Flag French Polynesia
Thailand Flag Thailand
Saint Lucia Flag Saint Lucia
Saint Helena Flag Saint Helena
Singapore Flag Singapore
Rwanda Flag Rwanda
Martinique Flag Martinique
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Flag Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Marshall Islands Flag Marshall Islands
Swaziland Flag Swaziland
North Korea Flag North Korea
Saudi Arabia Flag Saudi Arabia
San Marino Flag San Marino
Tajikistan Flag Tajikistan
Serbia and Montenegro Flag Serbia and Montenegro
Netherlands Antilles Flag Netherlands Antilles
China Flag China
Norway Flag Norway
Central African Republic Flag Central African Republic
Croatia Flag Croatia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Flag Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Vietnam Flag Vietnam
Bahamas Flag Bahamas
Belarus Flag Belarus
New Zealand Flag New Zealand
Mauritania Flag Mauritania
Bermuda Flag Bermuda
Guatemala Flag Guatemala
Liberia Flag Liberia
Norfolk Island Flag Norfolk Island
Bangladesh Flag Bangladesh
Tuvalu Flag Tuvalu
Isle of Man Flag Isle of Man
Solomon Islands Flag Solomon Islands
Nicaragua Flag Nicaragua
Gibraltar Flag Gibraltar
Mayotte Flag Mayotte
Somalia Flag Somalia
Ukraine Flag Ukraine
Western Sahara Flag Western Sahara
Lesotho Flag Lesotho
Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba  Flag Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba
India Flag India
Poland Flag Poland
Vanuatu Flag Vanuatu
Iraq Flag Iraq
Kenya Flag Kenya
Belize Flag Belize
Seychelles Flag Seychelles
British Virgin Islands Flag British Virgin Islands
Uzbekistan Flag Uzbekistan
Turkey Flag Turkey
Republic of the Congo Flag Republic of the Congo
Russia Flag Russia
New Caledonia Flag New Caledonia
Cameroon Flag Cameroon
Democratic Republic of the Congo Flag Democratic Republic of the Congo
Zambia Flag Zambia
Wallis and Futuna Flag Wallis and Futuna
South Korea Flag South Korea
Taiwan Flag Taiwan
Japan Flag Japan
Qatar Flag Qatar
Canada Flag Canada
Slovenia Flag Slovenia
Slovakia Flag Slovakia
Heard Island and McDonald Islands Flag Heard Island and McDonald Islands
Sudan Flag Sudan
Spain Flag Spain
Philippines Flag Philippines
Denmark Flag Denmark
South Africa Flag South Africa
Macao Flag Macao
United Arab Emirates Flag United Arab Emirates
Vatican Flag Vatican
United States Minor Outlying Islands Flag United States Minor Outlying Islands
Nepal Flag Nepal
Andorra Flag Andorra
Netherlands Flag Netherlands
Antarctica Flag Antarctica
Paraguay Flag Paraguay
Czech Republic Flag Czech Republic
Georgia Flag Georgia
Latvia Flag Latvia
Samoa Flag Samoa
Tanzania Flag Tanzania
Uganda Flag Uganda
Trinidad and Tobago Flag Trinidad and Tobago
Uruguay Flag Uruguay
Yemen Flag Yemen
Estonia Flag Estonia
Maldives Flag Maldives
Dominican Republic Flag Dominican Republic
Zimbabwe Flag Zimbabwe
Liechtenstein Flag Liechtenstein
Cocos Islands Flag Cocos Islands
Sweden Flag Sweden
Palestinian Territory Flag Palestinian Territory
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Flag South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Eritrea Flag Eritrea
Macedonia Flag Macedonia
United States Flag United States
Germany Flag Germany
Australia Flag Australia
Cayman Islands Flag Cayman Islands
Saint Pierre and Miquelon Flag Saint Pierre and Miquelon
French Guiana Flag French Guiana
Puerto Rico Flag Puerto Rico
Bolivia Flag Bolivia
Niger Flag Niger
Venezuela Flag Venezuela
Malaysia Flag Malaysia
U.S. Virgin Islands Flag U.S. Virgin Islands
Bulgaria Flag Bulgaria
Kazakhstan Flag Kazakhstan
Pakistan Flag Pakistan
Equatorial Guinea Flag Equatorial Guinea
Chile Flag Chile
Cuba Flag Cuba

Important Information for Etihad Airways Affiliate Program

Etihad Airways program pays the commission on flights booking only.
Etihad Airways campaign does not help with the missing transaction.

Booking are allowed - 3 Booking in a month

Valid Bookings:  A customer must place an online order on  or  to be eligible to receive a commission.

Unlimited Referrals:  Multiple bookings can receive a commission as long as they are all within the lifecycle of the cookie (30 days).

Referral Period:  The cookie period for Etihad affiliate activity is 30 days. This means that as long as the customer books their flight within 30 days of clicking on your affiliate link, and as long as no other affiliate link is clicked on after yours, you will receive a commission.


Is it allowed to guide immediate search engine traffic directly to the Advertiser's website without using an intermediary website? -  Forbidden
Is it allowed to use the advertiser's company name as an ad keyword? (# brand_name) -  Forbidden
Is it allowed to display a contextual advertisement if the user has mistyped the Advertiser's company name? (# brand_namr) -  Allowed
Is it allowed to display a contextual advertisement if the user has specified the Advertiser's company name and an additional word? (# brand_name_promo) -  Forbidden
Is it allowed to use the Advertiser's company name in the header or copy of an advertisement? -  Forbidden
Is it allowed to use the Advertiser's company name in the link? (# -  Forbidden

Tracking Information:

Frequency - Realtime
Cookie Time - 30days
Target geo's - Worldwide
Deep Linking - Allowed

Search (SEM) Campaigns Protected SEM Bidding Keywords Unless specifically agreed in writing with Etihad Airways, Affiliates must not:
  • Purchase, license, or operate any domain name which is the same as, similar to, or derivative of '' or ''.
  • Bid on the '' brand terms, or any of their misspellings (this applies to Etihad trademarks and misspellings in all languages/Etihad trademarks and misspellings translated to any language), on any of the search engines that currently operate web services; a non-exhaustive list of possible derivatives of the brand term are: Etihad , Etihad com, wwwEtihad com, www Etihad,  www.etihad , etihad dot com, etihaddotcom, etihad .com, uk etihad.c, Ethiad,, , Etihad co, Etihadcouk,, , etihad uk,, ETC
  • Use the brand terms to perform paid search activity across any search engines that operates web services and to that effect, Affiliates must add the '' brand terms and misspellings as stated above as above as negative matches to their PPC campaigns . A negative match needs to be setup on both exact and broad match terms.
  • Use the brand term “” or its derivatives in the Affiliate's ad text for driving traffic from Etihad Airway's competitors' brand terms to Etihad Airway's site nor the affiliate's sites.
  • Drive paid or unpaid traffic from search engines directly to Etihad Airways pages or the site overall. The affiliate has to use their own sites for traffic from search engines. For the avoidance of doubt, the above restrictions or the specific terms of agreement regarding authorized PPC activity shall supersede any conflicting provision that may be found in any section of this Agreement. These rules are effective immediately (9th April 2013) and should the Affiliate not comply they will be banned from the Etihad Airways affiliate program with immediate effect and have their commissions declined or frozen without appeal.
Recommended SEM Bidding Keywords
  • Affiliates are allowed to do PPC activity on other generic keywords.
Prohibited SEM Display URL Content
  • Any affiliates that promote Etihad Airways via display are responsible for their activity, regardless of whether they own the websites on which they are promoting Etihad Airways. Etihad Airways reserve the right to withhold commissions if the affiliate breaches Etihad Airways terms and conditions.
Direct linking (Use of Display URL)
  • This is not permitted.
Website Prohibited Web Site Domain Keywords
  • Purchase of Domains: Affiliates are not permitted to register domain names that include variations of Etihad Airways' own URL.
Prohibited Web Site Content
  • Creative: Affiliates should only use creative supplied directly from their network account, which must in turn be supplied to them by the Affiliates team at Digitas.
Additional Promotional Methods Email:
  • Affiliates are not permitted to send any unsolicited email ("spam") under this Affiliate program. HTML creative is not available at the present time, and affiliates should not send solus emails to their databases.
  • Affiliates are permitted to include Etihad offers in multi-merchant emails, as long as the offer details are valid and correct. Affiliates caught doing otherwise will be cautioned and ultimately removed from the program.
Social Media
  • Social Media Promotions are permitted on the Etihad program. However, affiliates are not permitted to advertise their own websites by posting on Etihad Airways' official Facebook wall. Affiliates are not permitted to pose as Etihad Airways on any social media platform. Affiliates are permitted to advertise Etihad Airways on their own branded social pages.
Miscellaneous  Coupons and Promotional Codes
  • Publishers may only use coupons and promotional codes that are provided exclusively through the affiliate program. The use of voucher/coupon codes which have been found elsewhere online, social marketing, forums, or from Etihad's alternate marketing channels may result in commissions being declined. Publishers utilize unauthorized codes at their own risk, and Etihad may decline commissions where unauthorized codes are used should this be necessary. Authorized codes will be issued periodically alongside sale promotions via the Etihad newsletter, or to discuss specific voucher code promotions.
Toolbars, Browser Extensions, and Software
  • Etihad only supports affiliates who utilize toolbars to drive incremental value. With this in mind, while we do encourage affiliates to be creative, we need to be clear that any toolbars or software that interrupt the customer journey in any way after the customer has arrived at will not be accepted on to our program. This includes tools that act as a "reminder" to consumers to check a particular site or click a particular link. The affiliate role in promotion should ideally always be the driving of incremental traffic and bookings TO Tools that do otherwise are not considered at the present time.
Additionally, tools that alter links to affiliate links without the user's knowledge are also currently considered misleading and will not be accepted.

Is contextual advertising allowed on Google? -  Forbidden
Is contextual advertising allowed on Yandex? -  Forbidden
Is contextual advertising allowed on Begun? -  Forbidden

Allowed - Disallowed Media :

Cashback -  Allowed
PopUp / ClickUnder -  Allowed
Doorway pages -  Forbidden
Email Marketing -  Allowed
Brand bidding -  Forbidden
Social Media -  Forbidden
Incentive -  Allowed
Toolbar -  Allowed
Adult -  Forbidden
Banner-teaser networks -  Allowed
YouTube Channel -  Allowed
API traffic - Allowed
M-Site - Allowed
App - Forbidden

About Etihad Airways Affiliate Campaign

Etihad Airways is the national airline of the United Arab Emirates.