Bookmyshow affiliate marketing program

Bookmyshow Affiliate program

This Campaign has been paused by the advertiser

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BookMyShow - Fanhood Affiliate Payout Categories

Fanhood Originals
Dark Horse Game of Thrones: Daenerys Targarye ....
All Other

Media Allowed/Disallowed

Allowed Media

Text Link

Disallowed Media

Cashback, Reward Points, Incentives, Charity
Email (Text)
Custom Email (Text)
Email (HTML)
Custom Email (HTML)
POP Traffic
Native Ads
Social Media
Facebook Ads
SEM - Brand Keyword(s)
SEM - Generic Keyword(s)
SEM - Brand + Generic Keyword(s)

Countries Allowed

India Flag India

Important Information for BookMyShow - Fanhood Affiliate Program

Conversion Flow:

1. User makes any transaction.
2. Sale is counted & credited.

Missing Transactions:

Validation Criteria: Payout on Delivered orders only


1. Transaction of campaign 1 product will have an additional product of campaign 2 then the commission will be as per details listed in the scope of work i.e. 10% on campaign 1 & 3% on campaign 2 product.
2. Transaction of campaign 2 product will have an additional product of campaign 1 then the commission will be as per the details provided in the table.
3. Transaction of campaign 1 product will include additional products from the t-shirts category then the total commission will be 10% for the transaction.
4. Transaction of campaign 2 products will include additional products from the t-shirts category then the commission for the additional t-shirt product will be 10%.

This Campaign has been paused by the advertiser

If you are already promoting the campaign you can switch

to one of these Similar Campaigns

Similar Campaigns

Bookmyshow Affiliate Payout Categories

Payout on purchase for movie ticket booking
Payout applicable on these Cites :- Tirupati, ....
Payout applicable on these Cities :- Bengalur ....

Media Allowed/Disallowed

Allowed Media

Text Link
Cashback, Reward Points, Incentives, Charity

Disallowed Media

Email (Text)
Custom Email (Text)
Email (HTML)
Custom Email (HTML)
POP Traffic
Native Ads
Social Media
Facebook Ads
SEM - Brand Keyword(s)
SEM - Generic Keyword(s)
SEM - Brand + Generic Keyword(s)

Countries Allowed

India Flag India

Important Information for Bookmyshow Affiliate Program

Tracking - Online

Brand bidding is strictly prohibited.

No other affiliate coupon/offer not shared/confirmed by us shall not be payable.

About Bookmyshow Affiliate Campaign

BookMyShow offers showtimes, movie tickets, reviews, trailers, concert tickets and events near you . Also features promotional offers, coupons and mobile app.