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Adidas - TH Affiliate Payout Categories
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Allowed Media
Text Link
Cashback, Reward Points, Incentives, Charity
Email (Text)
Social Media
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Custom Email (Text)
Email (HTML)
Custom Email (HTML)
POP Traffic
Native Ads
Facebook Ads
SEM - Brand Keyword(s)
SEM - Generic Keyword(s)
SEM - Brand + Generic Keyword(s)
Countries Allowed
Important Information for Adidas - TH Affiliate Program
Tracking - Online
Offer General Information:
* Ads shall not be displayed in response to a keyword query containing adidasor any other adidas trademark, nor any confusingly similar term. * Affiliate's listing titles and descriptions on the website search engines link to their website and not directly to adidas. Affiliate is required to employ negative keyword matching to prevent violation of this guideline. * No usage of copyrighted videos on YouTube or any other video/streaming site. * No Bot / Software Generated traffic of any kind. * No Ad Ware / Spyware traffic allowed. * No Misleading ads or creatives. * No Substituted Search Engine Results Page. * No Bundling of this offer with any other offers signup / installation process. * Duplicate/invalid leads/installs/sales/conversions will be charged back at the end of the month. * All rules stated under Offers General Information
Offer General Information:
- No conversion capping for this offer.
- All Yeezy products non-commissionable
- 1 click ID can only have 1 conversion. Multiple orders per click will be rejected
- This offer accepts Thailand traffic only.
- You must only use creative material uploaded in Cuelinks dashboard for this offer. Any self-produced material should be approved in advance by The Advertiser.
- Cookie Period: 30 days
- Approval ETA: 1-2 days
- Submission expiry duration: after 14 days
* Ads shall not be displayed in response to a keyword query containing adidasor any other adidas trademark, nor any confusingly similar term. * Affiliate's listing titles and descriptions on the website search engines link to their website and not directly to adidas. Affiliate is required to employ negative keyword matching to prevent violation of this guideline. * No usage of copyrighted videos on YouTube or any other video/streaming site. * No Bot / Software Generated traffic of any kind. * No Ad Ware / Spyware traffic allowed. * No Misleading ads or creatives. * No Substituted Search Engine Results Page. * No Bundling of this offer with any other offers signup / installation process. * Duplicate/invalid leads/installs/sales/conversions will be charged back at the end of the month. * All rules stated under Offers General Information